Reflect, Expect, Check, Explain by Craig Barton

I loved Craig Barton’s initial teaching War and Peace- How I Wish I’d Taught Maths. That was a personal account of his excitement about what cognitive science had taught him and how he was applying it to his teaching. It was massive, passionate and, if I am honest a little overwhelming. Some argue that weContinue reading “Reflect, Expect, Check, Explain by Craig Barton”

The ResearchEd Guide to Education Myths edited by Craig Barton

I always enjoy a book on educational myths, and this is a bite size belter. 99 pages- so about two hours of myth busting fun. Barton asks some of educations biggest hitters to review some of the most obvious areas of misconception. These analyses were generally pretty balanced and nicely researched informed. They were allContinue reading “The ResearchEd Guide to Education Myths edited by Craig Barton”