Why does no one talk about knowledge in this school? by Henry Welwyn 

This was a short book- easily digestible in a morning with a pot of tea. It was a dialogue between three experienced teachers of different disciplines about what knowledge is- or more accurately- what education should achieve and how best to do this. I am not sure if it was a real conversation- I suspectContinue reading “Why does no one talk about knowledge in this school? by Henry Welwyn “

The Best of the Marshall Memo Book 2 by Kim Marshall and Jenn David-Lang

I really enjoyed the first selection of Marshall Memos so was pleased to spot a second book was out. Each book includes a series of relatively short summaries of educational research articles from the last twenty years. Inevitably, given the breadth covered these can be a bit hit and miss- but more often hit thanContinue reading “The Best of the Marshall Memo Book 2 by Kim Marshall and Jenn David-Lang”

When can you trust the experts? by Daniel Willingham

I enjoy Willingham books. Recently he wrote about how people read, and he is most famous for his outstanding book on ‘why don’t children like schools?’  This was an earlier book exploring how educationalists should treat educational research or proposed initiatives. It looked back at mistakes made in the adoption of things like Brain GymContinue reading “When can you trust the experts? by Daniel Willingham”

The Science of Learning: 77 Studies That Every Teacher Needs to Know by Bradley Busch and Edward Watson

This is an outstanding book. 77 key studies beautifully summarised over two pages each. The joy in the book lies in the fact that each study is quick and simple to review. In each case the book attempted to outline how reliable the results are and potential criticisms. It is also colour coded into aContinue reading “The Science of Learning: 77 Studies That Every Teacher Needs to Know by Bradley Busch and Edward Watson”