Teacher Resistance by Jamie Thom

I have enjoyed Jamie Thom’s previous books particularly his last one which looked at teaching from an introverted perspective (for both pupils and teachers). This book was one of many this year about teacher wellbeing. It was filled with lots of short sharp chapters on how to promote resilience/wellbeing. I felt it was largely aimedContinue reading “Teacher Resistance by Jamie Thom”

A Quiet Education by Jamie Thom

I enjoyed Susan Cain’s book Quiet and have often wondered about where I lie on the introvert/extrovert spectrum. I have some introvert traits so a book like this fascinates me. The book itself had three sections. Firstly, it looked at how whether schools could do better for introverted students- and it made me feel guiltyContinue reading “A Quiet Education by Jamie Thom”

Slow Teaching by Jamie Thom

Another one of a wealth of excellent books by effective teachers outlining their key principles and strategies in a clear manner. It applies these across a wide range of aspect of teaching from subject knowledge and classroom dialogue to relationships. Not the first of such books and it won’t be the last, but it isContinue reading “Slow Teaching by Jamie Thom”